Eddiebal P. Layco,Aldrin D. Parico,DOI NO:
Self-regulated Learning Strategies,Deferred Gratification,Engagement in Mathematics,Attitude towards Mathematics,Mathematics Achievement,Abstract
The study examines the inter-relationship among students` self-regulated learning strategies, deferred gratification, engagement, attitude, and academic achievement in mathematics Furthermore, the mediating effect of the respondents` deferred gratification, engagement in mathematics, and attitude towards the subject are studied in the relationship of the predictor variable which is students` SRL strategies and dependent variable which is the mathematics achievement. The data obtained from a sample of 150 senior high school students of Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University indicates the significant relationship among the said variables. Results showed that SRL strategies employed by the students in learning mathematics in relationship with their mathematics achievement are accepted. This implied that SRL strategies in mathematics affect the students` willingness to delay gratification, engagement, and attitude towards the subject which in turn affects their performance in mathematics.Refference:
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