Designing An Interactive Interface for Mobile Jawi Augmented Reality (AR) Application (M-JawiAR)


Roslinda Ramli,Siti Zaharah Mohid,Fitri Nurul Ain Nordin,Hafiza Abas,



Interactive Interface,Mobile Augmented Reality,Jawi,


Augmented Reality (AR) is amongst the potential technologies that gives advantages especially in education setting. The AR environment is unique since it combines real and virtual objects, interactive in real time and registered in 3- dimension. Nowadays, Jawi seems to be forgotten by our young generation. Until now, those who love and are interested to learn and use Jawi are difficult to find. Even the traditional ways of learning Jawi in schools cannot help much to solve this problem or to attract students to love Jawi. The design and development of AR application is different from the traditional application. Understanding the design requirements or process helps the developers to produce useful, interactive and usable AR applications. This article discusses the process of designing an interactive interface for mobile Jawi Augmented Reality (AR) application for students in Sekolah Rendah Agama (SRA) JAIS. The study is conducted through the analysis, documentations, previous works and interviews with teachers in SRA JAIS. The study highlights the process of the designing phase, conceptual model of Jawi AR, the structure design of Jawi AR content, and the flowchart for learning Jawi prototype. The output or findings from relevant designing phase will be proposed as a guideline for a development of mobile Jawi AR application.


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