A Novel approach to genome editing using Cellular automata evolutions of adjoints sequences


Rama Naga Kiran Kumar. K,Ramesh Babu. I,




Genome Editing,Cellular Automata,Evolutions of Adjoints,Linear Boolean functions,


This paper proposes a novel method for genome editing using cellular automata evolutions of adjoints of Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine. The adjoints of the given a genome sequence are the characteristic binary string sequences. For example, the adjoint of Adenine of a given genome sequence is a binary string consisting of 0’s and 1’s where 1’s corresponds to the presence of Adenine in the genome sequence. So, one can have four adjoint sequences of Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine corresponding to a given genome sequence. Onedimensional three neighborhood binary value cellular automata rules can be applied to an adjoint sequence and the desired number of evolutions could be obtained. This rule is defined by a linear Boolean function and one can have 256 such linear Boolean functions. Genome editing is carried out by superimposing the evolved adjoint sequence on the original genome sequence or on its successive evolutions. In this manner, one can have four ways of genome editing using four adjoint sequences and evolutions.


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