The Effect of Message Source Credibility on Consumer Purchase Intention: An Empirical Examination of Appreal Industry


S Sudheer,M Siva Koti Reddy,A Sai Manideep,



Constructs source credibility,Endorser credibility,Message appeal,Grocery items purchase intention,


It is must to a marketer to indulge his self to identify that what consumers percept about the companies advertisement message credibility and as well as what factor in that message would influences them most. By intensive literature review the three higher order factors as part of message source credibility are considered in the present study they are message trustworthiness, message expertness and message attractiveness. An empirical examination was performed through a survey by considering the sample size of 139 respondents who purchase apparels. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques are performed such as factor analysis and multiple regressions and also consumer’s educational qualification was determined as control variable. Observations are presented and discussions are made as per the results.


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