Importance and 2emergence of workforce diversity concept with special reference to gender diversity in today’s business scenario:an empirical study of various industrial sectors of South India





Gender diversity,Diversity Management programs and practices,Male dominated society,Discriminationobstacles,,


In today’s business scenario people around the world are coming closer due to technological advancement. Apart from this different organization to face the competition are investigating the best way to have a best human resource by hiring and keeping able and efficient workforce for a longer period . So strategically diversity in workforce is a value adding HR function which able to enhance the allround performance of an organization. But due tosocietal inequities, religious and cultural differences, it seems to be difficult to managing diversity and makes it a complex and unique HR issue in India. One more fact is that out of total diverse workforce 30 to 32% workforce is female workforce. Even though they are getting considerable recognition at organizations, still their quantity at managerial positions is very far from male workforce, (Both in top and middle level) is growing , but in a slow rate. Still the female employee percentage in decision making position is increase lesser rate as compared to the past years. Most of the time they are feeling pressure and sometime forced to work in an environment which is highly controlled and dominated by male employees. Such kind of circumstances and practices is creating an environment thatminimizing their scope to move their career path toward the higher level .this paper is an attempt brings clear attitude towards gender diversities, theirobstacles and the strategies adopted to solve this problem by various industrial sectors India.


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