The Effectiveness of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Retention– An Empirical Study of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Hawassa City.


S. M. Murali Krishna,Ch Hari Govinda Rao,Auadhati Datta,



Employee Retention,Work- Life Balance,Employee Engagement,Compensation,Competitive Advantage,Flexibility,Talented Employees Pool,


Our strategic importance related to age and retention of employees is an organization this is important because not only the most talented and the best competitors, but also to protect the long-term benefits for themselves and for the people. Human Resources are a very valuable resource for any organization, and for any organization around the world. Therefore, it is not necessary to take the stairs for the wise of heart, to maintain the norm that gives life. HR organizations can effectively help stop important customers. The church branch of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Hawassa, and intensely lives in a particular way, is headed down by competition, effort and billing risk. This study examined the effectiveness of sensitive HRM practical knowledge of TV retention in the branches of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia in Hawassa. Specifically, life development opportunities, work environment, work-life balance, and employee engagement were rewarded for retention of impacted developers. Section of the plan with another follow-up study becomes Hawassa his cross. The study was conducted in 10 branches in the city of Hawassa. General sample, all employees. Stratified random sampling was used to select a selective sample of 156 employees out of 260; only 150 interviewers received six (6) poorly completed answers or less in the analysis. The total of 150 questionnaires used is 96.16%. Movement, keep an employee. When the balance between work and private life, and the participation of young people, human resource management workers to seek more accessions of new things, things that have been discussed before, then this competition can only not be maintained long. Improve the retention of employees on the banks of the river is recommended as a developer, to acquire them, please pay attention to the human momentum. If banks offer a certain degree of flexibility to reconcile life and compensation of employees, you employ them. It is also recommended that banks join forces and unite with academic research universities and other institutions to address issues that derive from the best solution for human resource management. In the future, other researchers are trying to estimate the duration of practices that affect retention. Bed, lighter should also be used for some commercial banks and banks after that, comparative studies, the effectiveness of HRM practices.


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