Analyzing the purchase intentions of Smartphone: A Descriptive Study


A. Uday Kiran Sarma,K. Murali Krishna,S. Sai Devendra Kumar,



Purchase Intentions,Smart Phone,Education levels,Price,Advertisements,Offers in Retail Stores,Add-on Accessories,After Sales service of Smartphone,


Previous studies revealed that the behavior of the customer while purchasing a smartphone is influenced by various factors. These factors may be the features of the phone or external factors arising out of the offers from retail stores. The present study aspires to investigateif there is any significant relation between the perceptions of educated customers taking into consideration the factors (Price, Advertisements, offers in retail stores, Add-on accessories given and After Sales Service) which largelyinfluence the consumer's choice while purchase of Smartphone. A structured questionnaire, on a 5-Point likert Scale, developed from previous studies was employed for acquiring data. A sample of 381 respondents was selected for the survey, using nonprobability sampling technique. The Sample is a mix of students and professionals from Rural and Urban locality of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana


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