Pravesh Soti,Vivek Kr. Pathak,Madhu Kumar R,Nirmal S Kumar,P Nirmal James,DOI NO:
Employee Turnover,Employee Attrition,Manufacturing,Services,Employee retention,India,Abstract
Relying on the fact that expenses on managing employee turnover costs a lot to the organizations, understanding on the contributors of high turnover becomes crucial. The present paper is focussed on this fact and progresses with an objective to explore the relevant factors influencing employee turnover and put forth their ranking based on their strength of influence. The study successfully concluded four reliable factors – personal, job influencers, environment & working conditions and benefits & welfare measures, as factors influencing employee turnover in the industries selected as sample. The responses of the respondents from manufacturing, mining and services sectors from North east India, were analysed for its reliability and data reduction using SPSS package software. The study further applied Grey Relational analysis method for prioritizing the explored factors for meaningful conclusions.Based on the analysis, the study concludes that statements belonging to employee benefits and welfare measures factor were ranked above all as major influencers for employee turnover in the sample organization represented in the study. The study suggests a roadmap to determine which factors guide towards higher employee turnover and turnover in an organization. They should concentrate on the items for better improvement plans facilitating retention in future.Refference:
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