
Ramalakshmi V,Rama Krishna Gupta Potnuru,




Cell Offices,Open plan Offices,Shared rooms,Flex Offices,Personality,Big five traits,Employee performance,


The aim of the study was to investigate how office type influences employee performance, and whether this is different for different personalities. Multiple regression was used in order to test the impact of personality and office type on employee performance. The data was collected from 406 employees working in higher educational institutions, with different office types in Bangalore, Karnataka by using convenience sampling technique. Respondents who were emotionally stable, extroverted and conscientious showed higher level of performance. Specially more emotionally stable respondents showed greater performance, specifically those working in flex offices. Extroverts shown greater performance in shared and cell offices than in open plan and flex offices. Conscientious people shown greater performance in shared and open plan offices.


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