Analysis of Medium Scale Solar PV System Performance on Grid tied single-stage Conversion System


G. Sreenivasa Reddy,T. Bramhananda Reddy,M. Vijaya Kumar,



Perturb and observe MPPT,VOC,Grid-Connected PV system,VSI,


Grid-connected PV systems (GPV) with one stage of conversion method, high performance and effectiveness can be caused by some control objectives. Objectives like current control, output current harmonics, maximum power tracking algorithm with synchronized grid connections. These objectives are merely controlled in one stage GPV systems with two-level inverter topology. The proposed paper, a medium scale variable PV single stage 3-ɸ power is associated with the grid is presented. The basic Perturb and Obseve type of MPPT tracking technique is used to abstract tremendous energy of PV system. This can be done by using a novel technique called Voltage Oriented Control (VOC). To validate the proposed method, solar irradiation and temperature of a solar PV cell are considered as input for the simulation process. The VOC based GPV system performance can be evaluated with the simulation results, the percentage THD estimations of electrical parameters like voltage and currents are verified at the point of common coupling. The presented results will identify that the VOC based GPV gives the better and high dynamic performance of the system at various irradiation conditions.


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