Factors affecting Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Churn in Pakistan Telecommunication Services Market


Yasser Khan,Shahryar Shafiq,Sheeraz Ahmed,Nadeem Safwan,Mehr-e-Munir,Alamgir Khan,




Service quality,Customer Satisfaction,Customer Churn,Customer Loyalty,


Telecommunication quality of service and customer satisfaction are the importantdecisive factors responsible for shifting of loyalties and increase profitability to the face the fierce competition in Pakistan telecommunication market comprised of 154 million cellular subscribers with 73.85% Teledensity. This paper intend to determine relationship among these variables and their impact on customer switching to another operator which has also become global phenomena. The analysis is conducted on primary data collected that is randomly sampled. The results clearly indicate the strong positive relations of value added services on service quality & customer satisfaction and strongly negative relationship with customer propensity to churn in Pakistan Telecom Environment. Resultantly, the customer churn can easily be controlled by providing enhance quality of voice, robust and reliable connectivity, better complaint management, customer care, and value added services with adequate features.


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