The Use of Gated Recurrent Unit with First Order Probability for Sentiment Analysis


Samar Khudair Abbas,Loay E. George,



Gated recurrent unit,Deep Learning,Recurrent neural network,Sentiment analysis,


Sentiment analysis is one of the recent important subjects in classification filed that recently growing using deep learning. With the spread use of internet, many rising social media, known forums, survey sites, as well as a lot of bloggers produce massive amount of information in shape of customer sentimental assessments, feelings, point of view, debate, opinion around various social news, products, trademark, and protocols, videos etc. Text analysis is an important subject for any system that deals with strings to extract the useful data. In this paper, the effective methods of deep learning will been applied for job with sentiment analysis to get rid of the text analyzing problems and applied some solutions to these problems, by using recurrent neural network (Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)). In addition, noisy words will been removed to reduce the search space. In order to test the system performance, a set of tests was applied on three datasets. The first and second datasets are collected data from IMDB that consist of movie reviews expressed through long sentences of English, and the third dataset is collection of twitter using the Twitter Search API to collect these tweets by using keyword search, these tweets in English words with short sentences. The conducted tests on the developed system gave accuracy that range 88% - 68%, and the time will been reduced with percentage about 89% when compared with the results of other newly published works. Experimental results on Datasets demonstrate that our proposed models can learn effective features and obtain superior performance over the baseline models.


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