A Survey on Facial Recognition System


Morooj K. Luiabi,Faisel Gh. Mohammed,




Face detection,Features extraction,Face recognition,Face Database,


Facial recognition stands for an imperative area of interest to serve various applications such as security, verification of bank identities, identification of wanted persons at airports, etc. Therefore, it is employed for real time application. Consequently, reliability stands for significant matter for security. Facial recognition system is deal with two different application scenarios, one of which is called "identification" and the other of which is called "verification" anew face can be classifying either "known" or "unknown", after comparing it with stored identified persons. The complete process of facial recognition system done in three phase, detection the face, extraction the features of the face and recognition to recognize this face. Various techniques are then required for these three phases. Also these techniques differ from different other surrounding factors for example, face orientation, expression, illumination and background. In this review also highpoints the most frequently databases that existing as a standard to be utilized for facial recognition investigations like, AR Database, ORL, FERET, and Yale Database.


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