Fault Diagnosis in Mixed-Mode Circuit by Using Artificial Neural Network Approach


S. Ramya,Balaji . S,John Paul Praveen A,M.Meenakumari,




Around 4 catchphrases or expressions in sequential request,isolated by commas,


In these work it is said that artificial systems are connected to finding of calamitous imperfections in the advanced piece of a nonlinear blended mode circuit. The methodology is exhibited on the case of a moderately mind boggling sigma-delta modulator. A lot of shortcomings are chosen first. At that point, issue lexicon is made, by reproduction, utilizing the reaction of the loop path to an info incline flag. This spoken to type of a carry-into table. Counterfeit neural system is then prepared for displaying (retaining) the look-into table. The conclusion is carried out so the artificial neural network is energized by broken reactions so as to introduce the deficiency codes at its yield. There were no blunders in recognizing the shortcomings amid conclusion.


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