Enhancement of Digital Map using High Resolution Images






Normalized Difference vegetation index,Geographic information system,Fuzzy C means clustering,


Geospatial data differ accurately and precisely in the attributes as well as their temporal and spatial dimensions. The two approaches proposed for are road extraction based on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Fuzzy c means clustering. Image-based and vector-based algorithms are integrated for conflation. Road Intersections and Terminations of different types of are automatically detected by spatial contextual measure extraction algorithm. Iterative Relaxation Algorithm (IRA) is especially used point matching based at the comparative distance records in among the points. The Vector Road Intersections that is coordinated to removed factor sets by way of a Relaxation-Labeling Algorithm. A Rubber-sheeting Transformation is a neighborhood affined ameliorations, which splits the map parts into small sections and implemented nearby modifications on every piece, also preservative topology in the route. At the end of Rubber-Sheeting Transform there can be misalignment that's befell inside the Road segments. In order to clear up this trouble an energetic Contour Model (snake) that is used to address the outstanding dislocation mistakes. Road network extraction is analyzed and compared based on NDVI and Fuzzy C means clustering .This method can be extended for more information.


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