Salome James,P. Vasudeva Reddy,DOI NO:
Digital signatur,Partially Blind signatu,ECDL, ID-based Cryptography,Message Recovery,E-cash,Abstract
Blind signature plays a significant role in practical applications such as ecash and e-voting systems, where anonymity is of great importance. A partially blind signature enables a signer to explicitly incorporate a pre-agreed common information into a blind signature without the loss of blindness property. In recent years, many cryptographic researchers have made substantial progress in the design of blind signature schemes. In order to improve the efficiency, in this paper, we propose a new pairing free partially blind signature scheme with message recovery in the identity-based frame work. The proposed scheme is existentially unforgeable with the assumption that the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) is hard. We compare our scheme to the well known existing identity-based partially blind signature schemes. With pairing free realization and the message recovery features, the proposed scheme is more efficient in terms of computation and communication point of view. Finally, we present an electronic-cash payment system based on our PF-IDPBS-MR scheme.Refference:
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