Schematization Methods of Project Thinking


Olga Kalinina,Natalia Kalinina,



Scheme,Schematization,Project Thinking, Reflection,


The article presents researches of the thinking activity of project schematization. Often, work on the project is done without understanding the problem. The solution appears accidentally and unconsciously. The quality of the result depends on the algorithm of conscious plans. Techniques of thought schematization allow us to more consciously approach design. This technique has been tested in design practice by three project teams. We investigated the technique of schematization of thought on five educational projects. The research was carried out in three project groups using the example of training projects. The results of the research showed the best effectiveness in the group, which conducted a reflexive analysis and worked with the technique of the schematization described in the article. The results of the group that worked on this technique were better than the rest. One of the basic concepts is reflexive analysis, which allows both identifying and mastering the actualization of the design process. The group that made the reflexive analysis also showed better results. This is part of the methodology of schematization, which is described in the article. The algorithm of thought activity and the actualization of the techniques of schematization in project thinking are disclosed.


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