Jamal Uddin,Md. Jamal Hossain,Mohammad Raquibul Hossain,DOI NO:
SIR Model,Effective removal rate,Basic reproductive ratio,Effective reproductive ratio,Abstract
We study the SIR model for the mathematical modeling of diseases of greater Noakhali. This model describes the spread of infectious diseases in which an individual may move from susceptible to infected and to recover. We discussed the mathematics behind the model and various tools for judging effectiveness in a certain territory. We completed the paper with an example using the infectious diseases, Pneumonia and Dysentery, commonly the children are infected. The current results of this paper are greatly instructive for us to further understand the epidemic spreading and design some fruitful prevention and disposal strategies to fight the epidemics.Refference:
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Jamal Uddin, Md. Jamal Hossain, Mohammad Raquibul Hossain View Download