
B. Madhuravani,B. Rama,N. Chandra Sekhar Reddy,B.Dhanalaxmi,V. UmaMaheswari,




Access Control,Authentication,Chaotic Maps,Complex Chaotic Maps,Integrity,


In the present internet world, Security is a prime vital concern and the secure hash function is one of the ideal alternative means to guarantee security. In this paper we made a study on different nonlinear dynamical systems – Chaotic maps and introduced a novel hash scheme based on integrated chaotic maps. The experimental outcomes shows that the proposed model satisfies all cryptographic properties of secure hash functions such as resistant to collisions, high level of sensitivity to initial conditions, high confusion and diffusion, high randomization etc. The suggested model is fast and accurate in terms of speed and security is concern. In this model, multiple chaotic maps are integrated as a single chaotic system to generate an n-bit digest value, where the length of digest is flexible in terms of security is concern.


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Author(s): B. Madhuravani, B. Rama, N. Chandra Sekhar Reddy, B.Dhanalaxmi, V. UmaMaheswari View Download