Rprop Based Noble Blind Channel Equalization Algorithm for QAM Signal


Prakhar Priyadarshi,C. S. Rai,




Equalization,CMA,Mean Forth Error,Rprop,Convergence, Low BER,


In this paper, authors have considered the issue of slow convergence and moderate Bit Error Rate (BER) of Constant Modulus Algorithm used for channel equalization. Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA), an extensively used gradient descent based unsupervised algorithm for QAM Signal, suffers from the poor convergence property as well as poor BER. Two novel blind equalization algorithms have been proposed which overcomes the problem of slow convergence and poor BER associated with CMA. Proposed algorithm incorporates modified CMA-like error function based on mean forth error criteria into Rprop frame work. Matlab Simulation of the proposed Rprop Based Improved Constant Modulus Type (RICMT) algorithm offers better result in terms of convergence, inter symbol interference (ISI) and bit error rate (BER) in a linear channel as well as for nonlinear channel in comparison to the CMA Equalizer for noisy environment.


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Author(s): Prakhar Priyadarshi, C. S. Rai View Download