Basma Mohamed,Iqbal M. Batiha,Mohammad Odeh,Mohammed El-Meligy,DOI NO:
Dominant Metric Dimension,Domination Number,Independent Number,Metric Dimension,Resolving Dominating Set,Abstract
We consider, in this paper, the NP-hard problem of finding the minimum independent domination metric dimension of graphs. A vertex set of a connected graph resolves if every vertex of is uniquely identified by its vector of distances to the vertices in . A resolving set of is independent if no two vertices in are adjacent. A resolving set is dominating if every vertex of that does not belong to is a neighbor to some vertices in . The cardinality of the smallest resolving set of , the cardinality of the minimal independent resolving set, and the cardinality of the minimal independent domination resolving set are the metric dimension of , independent metric dimension of , and the independent domination metric dimension of , respectively.Refference:
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